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The Oxmoor story unfolds over three centuries and details one family’s work to define and defend what we know today as Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey.


Bourbon is more than a drink. It is America’s only native spirit and a significant part of our history. The Oxmoor story highlights the impact of five generations of legal scholars on the culture of Bourbon and on the spirit itself.

William Marshall Bullitt in July 1912

Bullitt Family & Oxmoor History

Alexander Scott Bullitt (ca.1762-1816) migrates from Virginia to the Louisville area. Evan Williams begins distilling whiskey in Kentucky.


Alexander Scott Bullitt acquires the land that would become Oxmoor Farm.


The first dwelling is completed. A six-room frame structure that now comprises the back center of the house. Bricks for the chimneys were purchased from the prominent stonemason, Evan Williams.


Kentucky becomes the 15th state

Alexander Bullitt is instrumental as the co-writer of the state’s first constitution along with George Nicholas. He also served as a state senator from 1792-1800. Alexander is known to enjoy a tipple of corn whiskey.


Alexander Bullitt sells his corn crop to Thomas Cannon in exchange for 500 gallons of whiskey. This is the Bullitt family’s first involvement in what would become Kentucky’s signature Bourbon industry.


William C. Bullitt is admitted to the Kentucky State Bar.


First known advertisement using the word “bourbon” to describe whiskey appears in Kentucky’s Western Citizen newspaper.


William C. Bullitt adds the brick addition to the front of the house with a passageway connecting it to the original 1791 structure


Front of Oxmoor House in 1829

Bourbon makers begin branding their distillery’s name on barrel heads, giving rise to the term “brand name.”


Civil War / Oxmoor House is closed and the family moves into Louisville.


Thomas Walker Bullitt, son of William C. Bullitt, begins practicing law in Louisville.


George Garvin Brown introduces Old Forester, the first bourbon exclusively sold in a sealed glass bottle.


KY Distillers’ Association forms, possibly represented by Thomas Walker Bullitt.


Marshall Bullitt graduates from University of Louisville Law school and begins practicing with his father Thomas.


The Bottled in Bond Act, often considered the country’s first consumer protection law, establishes a federal stamp on bourbons and other aged spirits that adhere to set quality standards. Much of the work of producing this law was done by Thomas Walker Bullitt.


Kentucky Whiskey Interest forms into a combine representing 90% of Kentucky distilleries.


The Pure Food & Drug Act is enacted

Potentially some of the work of producing this law was done by Thomas Walker Bullitt.


Oxmoor House is reopened by the family.


The Taft Decision is Enacted by President William Howard Taft. William Marshall Bullitt receives a letter of congratulations for his work in shaping it.


William Marshall Bullitt is appointed Solicitor General by President Taft and moves to Washington.


The service/kitchen wing added to the west side of the house.


William Marshall Bullitt, representing the KDWC, sues Elwood Hamilton in US District Court - ‘defending 10,000,000 proof gallons of whiskey’


The Bullitt family produces the first Oxmoor Kentucky Whiskey “Private Stock” bottling just before the enactment of Prohibition. Barrels are sourced and bottled by independent bottling companies.


1920 Oxmoor Bourbon label

The Volstead Act takes effect

More than two hundred distilleries close due to federal Prohibition. Six receive licenses to sell “medicinal” alcohol.


William Marshall Bullitt argues against the 18th amendment in the U.S. Supreme Court.


Federal Prohibition is repealed. President Franklin D. Roosevelt states, “I trust in the good sense of the American people.”


The government mandates that Bourbon must be aged in new, charred oak containers.


William Marshall Bullitt dies.


Congress formally establishes Bourbon as a “distinctive product of the United States.”


Tommy Bullitt inherits Oxmoor and begins developing parts of the land.


The U.S. Senate designates September of that year as National Bourbon Heritage Month. People have been celebrating unofficially every September since.


Oxmoor Bourbon Company is launched.

Oxmoor House opens for private tours and tastings, Oxmoor Bourbon “Private Stock” Vol. 3 is released


Oxmoor Bourbon bottle and cocktail on bar
Hand written letter


Over the next century, Bullitt family legal scholars helped craft many of the foundational pieces that define Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey. This includes their work in the formation of the Kentucky Distillers Association (1880), the Distillers & Cattle Feeders (1887) which would later become the Kentucky Distilleries & Warehousing Co. (1895) and finally the Kentucky Whiskey Interest (1899) plus helping to pen adoption of the Bottled-in-Bond Act (1897), the Pure Food & Drug Act (1906), and the Taft Decision (1909).

In the early 1900s, a dark time descended upon the Bourbon industry with the halting of grain use for distillation during World War One followed by the enactment of American Prohibition in 1920. Thankfully, the Bullitt family and others did the work necessary to ensure Kentucky’s Bourbon industry was protected and well-positioned to rise again when Prohibition ended in 1933, ushering in a new golden age of Bourbon as the beverage we know and enjoy today truly begins to take shape.

Oxmoor Farm would go on to weather the ups and downs of Bourbon for another century. But its reemergence in the 2000s, thanks to the work of the Kentucky Distiller’s Association, the creation of the Kentucky Bourbon Trail and the growth of “Bourbonism”, we now enjoy what has once again become America’s favorite spirit.

We look forward to sharing the family’s honored history with you.

Oxmoor Farm

Buffeted by the beautiful gardens that were designed in 1911 and the tree-lined avenue, as well as the charming outbuildings add to Oxmoor’s beauty and its historical uniqueness. Come and hear the stories that Oxmoor has to tell of early pioneer days and the Native Americans, the history of hemp cultivation in Kentucky, the antebellum years and the enslaved community that lived and worked here, through the gilded age and present day. Come see one of the few historic sites in the country where you can walk through 3 centuries of American history and explore the 13 original outbuildings including a smokehouse, springhouse, ice house, hemp barn, and former slave cabins.

The historic house is furnished with original pieces that belonged to the Bullitt family. The gardens were designed in 1911 by Marian Cruger Coffin, one of the first female landscape architects in the country. All house tours are guide-led and last approximately one hour. Due to the historic nature of the house it is not fully handicap accessible. You can leisurely explore the grounds on your own before or after your tour.

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Oxmoor Bourbon is a product of the Oxmoor Bourbon Company.
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720 Oxmoor Ave Louisville, KY 40222
© 2025 Oxmoor Bourbon Company.